Instructor: Plaster Preservationist and Conservator Rory Brennan from "THIS OLD HOUSE" and Preservation Plastering. His projects have included some of the finest government buildings, churches, and Historic House Museums in the Country. Click here to read his article for "This Old House". Rory will be taking samples of the plaster at Howard Hall Farm during the January 12th workshop, so he can make molds for this one, and demonstrate on site. This hands-on cornice moldings and brackets training day will teach the greenest techniques out there! Students will learn and practice their new skills on the historic house at Howard Hall Farm, our learning laboratory. Lunch and on-site materials are included. Rory's last class sold out due to limits on class size: It's never too early to reserve your space in the workshop. *JUNE 29- JULY 1: 9AM-5PM Workshop fee: $300 CLICK HERE TO REGISTER ~Scroll down to view a video of Rory's last class at Howard Hall Farm~ ___________ CURRICULUM: ___________ In two days attendees will learn the basics of ornamental replication. This will include: For cornice and plain run medallions:
For casting elements:
Bench run on the table (for placement, miters, mold making), pretend wall run in hung box, on the scaffolding, cut knife and horse up, trace profile to steel, do in-place in hall, make mold, pour castings, set up for in situ run, set rails, set ceiling, set wall surface. DAY ONE Lecture on the basics, what are we doing here? Prepare and pour the rubber on models, one for everyone, de-mold next day Prepare and spread the rubber for skin mold, just one, shell and de-mold, next day Recover profile, one in place and one on molding already out Cut blade and mount on stock and slipper Set up bench and in situ rails Go over mixtures for both How and went do you strip paint from the model? Questions---end of day
DAY TWO Review day one De-mold poured rubber Cast clean out Apply shell to skin mold, de-shell and de-mold Cast clean out Set up and bench run cornice Set up and bench run medallion Set up (prepare wall and ceiling surfaces) and in situ run cornice PHOTO ALBUMS FROM THE WORKSHOP BEFORE THE LIME WASHES AND FINISHES TRAINING WORKSHOP: