The first spot reserved in each 2-day class before December 25th gets to stay with us for the duration of their class in the guest room of the Federal Manor at Howard Hall Farm! THESE SPECIAL GUEST WILL BE TREATED TO: *Meals prepared in our restored bee hive oven. *Breakfast made with eggs hatched here at the farm. *If both parties are amenable, they can even sleep with Blossom, the cutest Jack Russel in town! | The holder of the second ticket sold for each 2-day class will be treated to: *A guided tour with Reggie Young and Nora Johnson at local historic sites with discussion on topics of their choice! *They can even pick Nora's brain about restoration finishes! Winners will be notified by e-mail* |
| "March of the Fine Fare" COOKING CLASS With ADAM MONTEVERDE Host of the local TV Cooking Show: "TWO FOR ONE" Adam will March participants through the steps of creating some of his special recipes, to be followed by feasting on all the succulent lessons! This class would make an excellent gift for anyone who loves locally grown ingredients and gourmet food, and wants to learn the simple secrets behind the preparation of some of Adam's most popular dishes. Click here to read about some of the local sources of Adam's ingredients. This class may be filmed as an episode for his TV show. Students who do not wish to be on TV will be kept out of frame.
| "Easter Dinner" COOKING CLASS with Shannon Hayes Creator of "The Carnivore Chronicles" To be followed by a book signing and 'hearthy' meal.
During this two hour class, we'll explore some of the classic |
| "Into the fire" COOKING CLASS With Mercy Ingraham, The Open Hearth Cook To be followed by a book signing and 'hearthy' meal.
Mercy Ingraham "is a hearth cook, the culinary equivalent of one of those Revolutionary War re-enactors, and it is her conviction that the invention of the stove, while it's sure saved wood, has not been without its drawbacks."....On March 15th, Mercy invites you to join her over an open hearth, as she kindles memories from the first days of our 1780's Federal manor, and teaches this very special cooking class on preparing historic food atop the windy hill at Howard Hall Farm. The class will be followed by a signing of her new book, which will be available to purchase after the class. Lunch and dinner are included! In addition to eating the lesson, each student will take home copies of the recipes and a bibliography of great books for further study.
MARCH 15: 10AM-6PM |
| REPOINTING AND REBUILDING STONE: HISTORIC LIME MORTAR TRAINING WEEKEND with JOHN SPEWEIK The workshop is formatted as an on-site consultation of the 220-year-old Federal style home in Athens NY, which serves as our classroom and laboratory. The site offers a unique environment for hands-on learning and offers specific restoration challenges that are distinctive to this region. These classes are geared toward the restoration practitioner as well as the layman and are sure to be valuable resource in this restoration-heavy area of the country. John will offer a presentation on the History of Mortar as well as technical information regarding the analysis and evaluation of historic mortars. Following the presentation, participants will engage in hands-on repointing and stone rebuilding work using the specified methods of approach for masonry restoration.
John Speweik is the Vice President of U.S. Heritage Group and the co-author of the Preservation Brief 2: Repointing Mortar Joints in Historic Masonry Buildings published by the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service. He has also written: The History of Masonry Mortar in America 1720-1995. John's articles have appeared in Traditional Building, Old-House Journal and The Masonry Magazine, published by the Mason Contractors Association of America. *APRIL 19-20: 9AM-5PM
Participants will learn:
A class with Judith Jacob (The paint and lime conservator who did mortar specifications for the Statue of Liberty.) Judith Jacob is a Professional Associate of the American Institute for Conservation. She currently works for the National Park Service, Northeast Regional Office, in the Architectural Preservation Division, New York, NY.
MAY 4th: 1PM-5PM |
| INTRODUCTION TO HISTORIC PAINTS AND FAUX FINISHES WORKSHOP PART OF THE HISTORIC PAINTS AND FAUX FINISHES WORKSHOP SERIES with Nora Hutchinson Johnson, Michael Black, and Moira Kelly A hands-on introduction to mastering the basic glazing skills that become the foundation of many historic techniques. This workshop will help you achieve success with finishes whether you're a professional painter, decorator, a building owner, or overseeing a preservation project. Certificates of completion will be distributed to attendees at the conclusion of the workshop and lunches are provided. This workshop also includes:
New York decorative artists, Moira Kelley and Nora Johnson, are frequent collaborators with complimentary strengths: Both are committed to researching the most environmentally conscious materials possible for their work.
MAY 31-JUNE 1: 9AM-5PM
| PRIVATE LESSONS IN TERNE TIN Dennis will be giving hands-on lessons on the terne tin roof. Due to the nature (and location) of this class, the number of students we can accept is limited. Be sure to book your lesson early. Our House at Howard Hall Farm has a Terne Tin roof, so over the years, Reggie has done a lot of research on it. He's been looking for an expert for quite some time now, so when he read an article in the New York Post about THE TIN MAN who is the fourth generation of a line of tinsmiths (dating back to 1892), and Lady Liberty's personal assistant, he couldn't resist getting in touch with him. Dennis Heaphy was here for a week in mid-October. You can read about his time here in the Times Union by clicking here.
JUNE 21-22: 8AM-4PM
Instructor: Plaster Preservationist and Conservator Rory Brennan from "THIS OLD HOUSE" and Preservation Plastering. His projects have included some of the finest government buildings, churches, and Historic House Museums in the Country. Click here to read his article for "This Old House". Rory will be taking samples of the plaster at Howard Hall Farm during the January 12th workshop, so he can make molds for this one, and demonstrate on site. This hands-on cornice moldings and brackets training day will teach the greenest techniques out there! Students will learn and practice their new skills on the historic house at Howard Hall Farm, our learning laboratory. Lunch and on-site materials are included. Rory's last class sold out due to limits on class size: It's never too early to reserve your space in the workshop. *JUNE 29- JULY 1: 9AM-5PM Workshop fee: $300